Cartagena, Colombia 2024

On March 9th a team of 21 embarked on a Global Exchange to Cartagena, Colombia that would show God’s power more than they could imagine. Many team members experienced travel complications, some repeatedly, hinting that the enemy was scheming against God’s plans for this Exchange.
Eventually, everyone arrived safely and the week began with great connections with the local leaders and valuable instruction in the training room. Tuesday evening the keynote speaker, Jared Macdonald, gave an excellent presentation titled “Next Level Questions for Next Level Success”. Jared shared great advice for professional success and also his own personal faith story, which led to presenting the gospel for the audience of 100.
After the main forum, some team members began to feel unwell – another attempt by the enemy to interfere with God’s work. Despite many challenges over the course of the week, team members rose to their calling in Cartagena, stepping in where they could and caring for one another’s needs. God’s sovereignty and power were constantly on display as He orchestrated divine appointments for which no one could have planned.
In total, 62 events were held across 3 cities and approximately 1,800 people heard the gospel. All glory goes to God for the work that was done.