Weekly Impact is written for leaders by our Executive Director, Garth Jestley, who has decades of experience in senior leadership roles in the financial services sector. Each week he will share insights on life, leadership and faith.

As I stated last week, I believe that the ultimate security solution lies in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For some marketplace leaders, the question might be, “How could I explore this assertion to come to my own conclusion?” I’m glad you asked!

LeaderImpact exists to help marketplace leaders like you and me explore the relevance of faith in God in our professional and personal lives. A “critical success factor” is our LeaderImpact Groups that meet weekly across Canada and around the world.

These Groups are comprised of a small number of marketplace leaders who together are on a journey of spiritual exploration. The common thread is that members of the group are peers. In other words, they are all marketplace leaders. By virtue of their senior positions and professional experience, members can uniquely relate to the challenges and opportunities facing one another. They can also personally benefit from the input and counsel of others.

Marketplace leaders can benefit greatly from the opportunity to connect with their peers on a deeper level.

A major attraction for members is that LeaderImpact Groups are “safe havens” where what happens in the weekly gatherings stays there. For many leaders, the opportunity to open up about issues they dare not raise with others (for reasons discussed in my last blog) is huge. From my personal experience in the two Groups to which I belong (one in downtown Toronto and the other near my home in Mississauga), our members regularly discover that they are not the only ones going through a particular challenge. Typically, others have gone through similar situations and can provide both encouragement and helpful insights.

Earlier this year, a member of my downtown Toronto Group, who is CEO of a company on Bay Street, made two comments that confirmed to me the value of being in a Group. First, the weekly meetings were “way above my expectations.” Second, our gatherings are “the highlight of my (very busy) week!”

It is important to note that members of these Groups can be anywhere in their spiritual journeys. Members range from outright skeptics of the Christian message to new Christians to more mature Christians. The key is that we are all on a journey of exploration with the goal of learning and growing together.

Here are four questions for your consideration.

  • Are you intrigued by the idea of exploring the relevance of faith in God in your professional and personal life?
  • Is business success not as satisfying as it once was?
  • Are you wondering whether your life has significance beyond material success?
  • Does the idea of a “safe haven” where you can share both challenges and victories with a group of peers appeal?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I encourage you to connect with a LeaderImpact Group in your area. Find a group in your city, or contact us for more information.

Garth Jestley is a husband, father, grandfather, leader and business executive. Most importantly, he is a follower of Jesus Christ.