Panama City

In March 2014 a team of 35 leaders from Canada and the US convened in the Panamanian capital, excited for opportunities to connect with local leaders. Over the course of a week, approximately 1800 Panamanian leaders attended the various LeaderImpact events held, including Forums, small groups, Dinner for friends, and one on one meetings. Over 700 leaders made the decision to embark on a spiritual journey through a personal relationship with God!

On this exchange a key sector LeaderImpact was able to reach was the Panamanian police and military. Five Canadian team members with a background in policing and the military were instrumental in relating their experiences and sharing their knowledge to hundreds of officers. They brought a message of hope for a life of significance in their careers and personal lives.

Garth Jestley recently joined the LeaderImpact team as National Director, and together with his wife Mary were first time participants on this Global Exchange. They expressed their thoughts about this experience.

Mary and I are thoroughly enjoying ourselves and would enthusiastically encourage others to get involved in these Global Exchanges.  We not only see significant fruit in Panama but know that all of us will return home better armed and more strongly motivated to reach marketplace leaders for Christ.