Medellín 2018

In October 2018 we returned to our most visited international city, Medellín Colombia. Medellín is the second-largest city in Colombia, after Bogotá, and is known for its beautiful, temperate weather. For us, the weather is just a bonus compared to working with the amazing local team that loves Jesus, their city and the people in it.

Our team of 16 included 14 Canadians, one Panamanian and one Colombian. Participants ranged from business executives, business owners, medical professionals, politicians, and a variety of other backgrounds. With this large range of professional experience, team members spoke at 48 different events throughout Medellin and 531 people prayed to receive Christ.

It is our joy and honour to serve our partners in Latin America and the Caribbean but we are equally blessed to see our Canadian participants learning and growing in their own faith journeys. One of our team members commented, “as I shared my (life) story I found out the Lord has more stories within the one I thought I had. He allowed my experiences to be meaningful to others.” It is always our prayer that participants in the Global Exchange will be equipped to share their professional experience but even more that they will be transformed by God using them to impact others for his kingdom. We thank God for another great Global Exchange experience.