Medellín 2014
This November, 2014, the LeaderImpact International team was delighted to have the opportunity to return to one of our key cities in Latin America: Medellín, Colombia. We brought a team of Canadian leaders from across the country and, in cooperation with our local Colombian team, worked to provide opportunities for these leaders to share their business experience and their personal testimonies in many different environments throughout Medellín.
We were blessed to have wonderful leaders from a variety of backgrounds on this exchange, including executives with leading technology companies, entrepreneurs and business owners, lawyers, and politicians. This diverse group brought a tremendous wealth of experience and knowledge to share about their business and career experience, as well as many incredible testimonies to God’s impact in their lives.
God showed up in a powerful way, and despite only having 30 speaking events booked by mid week, we were able to provide a total of 63 speaking opportunities for our Canadian team when all was said and done. This allowed us to reach 1,317 Colombian business leaders with the message of the Gospel, and in turn we saw 560 of these leaders commit their lives to Jesus Christ. It was an immense blessing to be a part of this exchange, and to see the way that the lives of Canadians and Colombians were irrevocably changed.
We look forward to continuing to develop the ministry of LeaderImpact in Medellín, and have already begun planning an exchange for 2015. We trust that God will continue the work that He has begun in this city, and that many more Colombian marketplace leaders will come to know Jesus. We are so excited to continually witness the Uncommon Opportunities that God has provided for us to reach up to the leaders in Latin America, and we cannot wait to see the fruit as His plan for LeaderImpact’s international outreach continues to unfold.